Friedhof Hamburg-Ohlsdorf 0065
On this gravesite are listed
Keitel, Adolf Werner * 1894, + 1915
Keitel, Adolph * 1817, + 1880
Keitel, August * 1853, + 1908
Keitel, Constanze (b. Heise) * 1822, + 1908
Keitel, Hans August * 1891, + 1918
Keitel, Ilse * k.A., + k.A.
Keitel, Luisa * 188?, + 1966
Keitel, Luisa Francisca de Paula Silvestra (b. Brehm) * 1862, + 1929
Schlabsy, Adolph * 1812, + 1888
Wedemann, Magdalena Elisabeth * 1822, + 1907
Attention: More picture from this gravesite below!
picture source: , 2015
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Here is a picture of the gravestone, on which the mentioned deceased are listed. Using and you can scroll through the cemetery.Some gravesites may be in alphabetical order, but only in individual cases.