Privatfriedhof, Erbbegräbnis von Borries Südlengern (Kirchlengern, Herford)
On this gravesite are listed
von Borries, Philipp Dietrich Wilhelm Hermann Eugen * 1847, + 1886
Attention: Another picture from this gravesite below!
picture source: , 2013
Inscription / Addition
Philipp Dietrich
Wilhelm Hermann
Eugen von Borries
geb. d. 17. Juni 1847
gest. d. 22. April 1886
picture source: , 2013
Inscription / Addition
Denn ich halte es dafür,
dass dieser Zeit Leiden
der Herrlichkeit
nicht werth sei,
die an uns soll
geoffenbaret werden.
Röm. 8,18.
:: notice |
Here is a picture of the gravestone, on which the mentioned deceased are listed. Using and you can scroll through the cemetery.Some gravesites may be in alphabetical order, but only in individual cases.